A review by marisakucha
Of Dreams and Demons by Willow Hadley


Another great addition to the series

I don’t know what it is about Willow Hadley‘s books but I feel like they are just so… Cute. I feel happy while reading them even though I probably shouldn’t during some parts. The only thing that wasn’t so cute was the cliffhanger at the end of this book. We were warned that it was going to be worse than the first and that was quite accurate. I didn’t want to throw my Kindle but the book ended so seamlessly that it took me a second to process that it ended. Just a warning.

I really enjoyed the first book of the series but I think I enjoyed this book even more. I love all of the different point of views that were used and the fact that we were traveling back-and-forth between different realms and seeing what was happening at different times. It’s not like everything was forgotten, there were effects and we were finally able to see what exactly those effects were.

While I do like the characters I think that the progress of the story and what is happening to the characters has captivated me more. It’s not like there’s a lot of personal growth happening, it’s more solving problems, getting to know each other, understanding the world more etc. This journey has been fantastic.

Like I said, I have really enjoyed the series thus far, it’s an easy read that will keep you interested the entire time. This book was a perfect read to sit by the pool and relax.