A review by bernluvsbooks
The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self by Katty Kay


This is such a positive book for girls! I found it well thought out and perfectly executed for its target audience - tween girls. My girls (ages 13 & 12) really enjoyed the book - especially the quizzes! It had aspects that appealed to each of their tastes. My graphic novel lover liked the quirky illustrations and comics sprinkled throughout the book. It definitely helped keep her engaged while reading. My younger daughter loved taking the quizzes then quizzing her sister to see where their similarities and differences lied with their responses.

This book opened up some wonderful dialogue between my girls as sisters and led to some great mommy-daughter chats as well. I loved its message of empowerment. I wish I had something like this growing up. It offered insightful strategies and was very timely for girls of this generation. I appreciate that it included topics such as being aware of screen time and that all elusive "online perfection". I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this (or gift it) to all the tween girls I know and love.