A review by lauren_soderberg
Rebel Girls Climate Warriors: 25 Tales of Women Who Protect The Earth by Rebel Girls


This is yet another wonderful addition to the Rebel Girls family. With vibrant illustrations and inspiring stories, Rebel Girls Climate Warriors is a must-buy for those who have kids. And I know that I always learn something new when I crack open a volume.

One of the most interesting additions to this particular volume is the incorporation of QR codes, which allows the reader to access additional audio information about some of the subjects featured in the book. It's a great incorporation of technology that leads to even more great research material and engaging content.

In all, this book lives up to its predecessors and shows that the Rebel Girls series is here to stay. And I, for one, am thrilled that my children have access to such wonderful books.

Thanks to NetGalley and Rebel Girls for providing me with an ARC. All opinions are my own.