A review by gamz
Dark Gold by Christine Feehan


The third book in the Ms. Feehan’s Dark Series, this one tells of Aiden and Alexandria’s journey.

There story was significantly different than the earlier two. Alex and her young brother, Joshua, were taken by a vampire. They were certain that they would die until Aiden, in all his golden glory, showed up and slaughtered the beast.

Unfortunately, seeing Alex attempting to protect her brother, he assumed that she was a vampiress attempting to kill a child so he attacked and found himself a life mate.

Alex’s condition was awful and she looked horrible, but once Aiden realized what she was to him, hideous or not, he planned to make her his. It wasn’t until she was cleansed to vampire blood, went through hell and finally slept that he realized she was stunningly beautiful.

Their relationship was brutal. The earlier books had resistance from the women, but they soon came around. It took Aiden most of the book to get laid. Alex was not having him. She had a hard time accepting what she had become and the changes that it brought to her life. Poor Aiden had purple balls by the time he got some!

What made this book fabulous was Stefan and Marie and the family that Aiden built. I loved those two. They accepted and loved Aiden, because of what he is and what he did, and accepted Alex because she was his life mate. Even though she was not the nicest person at first. Joshua, the loved wholeheartedly. He was a great kid.

Glad I finally decided to delve into this series and I can highly recommend it.