A review by eggcatsreads
Food For Thought by Ariana Ferrante


A huge thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Brigids Gate Press for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a fun novella focusing on Limos - the Greek goddess of starvation, and her thoughts and relationship with Demeter - the Greek goddess of the harvest. The two are destined to never meet, as told by the Fates, but Limos has always been intrigued by her “opposite half.”

When Kore/Persephone is captured and kept in the underworld by Hades, Demeter decides to ignore the Fates’ prophecies and meets Limos directly, during her grief. Limos during this time almost becomes Demeter’s protector, as only she can understand the hunger Demeter has for her daughter to return and her refusal to allow anything to grow until she is returned to her.

I liked Limos’ personality, and how she almost stands up for Demeter and Kore/Persephone, refusing to back down on Demeter’s negotiations or caring what other gods or goddesses she annoyed. I also liked how hunger and devastation are almost shown to be things that need to exist in some capacity, and Limos’ refusal to see any condemnation for what someone does when they are starving.

This was a very quick read, and an interesting perspective on the “lives” of the gods and goddesses - and their experiences. I also really thought it was interesting to see the creation of the seasons happening through Demeter’s grief from someone not involved in the situation, allowing for other perspectives.