A review by adam613
The Twilight Zone by Nona Fernández


Very solid 4.5

"Expelled from the realm of that imaginary unknown, powerless to express myself in a language beyond my command, all I know is that there are other easier things for me to imagine. Things outside that dark zone, things I can cradle like a light to better follow this map."

"Everything she's seeing right now belongs to her past. The projected images revive a time that is more hers than mine, but she's done her healthy best to forget it, whereas I've inherited it as an unhealthy obsession."

"How many faces can a human being contain?"

"Time isn't straight forward, it mixes everything up, shuffles the dead, merges them, separates them out again, advances backward, retreats in reverse, spns like a merry go-round, like a tiny wheel in a laboratory cage, and traps us in funerals and marches and detentions, leaving us with no assurance of continuity or escape."

"My face is reflected in the glass, my face merges with his. I see myself behind him or maybe in front of him. I look like a ghost in the picture. A shadow lurking, a spy watching him though he doesn't know it. That's what I am in part, I think: a spy watching him though he doesn't know it."

"No matter the year or the day, its tiny hands keep time locked up inside it, revolving around itself, advancing backward, retreating forward, inevitably ending up in the same spot that place beyond rescue distance. [...] The strange thread of coincidences running through these two stories of kidnappings, children, parents, and death runs through everything from that time, I believe, and it stitches us here, on this street corner where we're taking part in a commemoration."