A review by angels_gp17
Quicksilver Dreams by Danube Adele


~ 4 Dream Stars ~ 

Quicksilver Dreams is book one in Danube Adele’s Dreamwalkers series. I read book two [b:Dark Summer Dreams|21806083|Dark Summer Dreams (Dreamwalkers, #2)|Danube Adele|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1396298795s/21806083.jpg|41069160] first and from that decided I need to pick up the other books in the series. You can read the books out of order. We get lots of action, conflict, romance and a roller coaster of emotions. 

Taylor is a strong women and easy to relate too. Very well developed character that can stand on her own. I liked Taylor!

Ryder sexy neighbor next door. He is another well developed character that is very determined to protect his people. I liked Ryder!

Quicksilver Dreams has a fabulous cast of characters that are well written and easy to connect to. Even the secondary characters are intriguing thou the main focus is the plot and Taylor/Ryder. Ms. Adele does an amazing job of taking us on an emotional roller coaster ride, one minute we are in tears the next we are sexually frustrated. The chemistry between Taylor and Ryder is fabulous. The dreams that Taylor has of her mystery lover worked well in this book. I liked how the author brought Taylor and Ryder together. They are pretty much thrown together after someone try’s to assassinate Taylor. The conflicts these two go through where emotional and well done. I liked the struggle Ryder has with his devotion to protect his people and having such strong feelings for Taylor and then too see Taylor stand up for herself and not give in to the stuff Ryder did to her was great. The author also gives us some amazing hot sizzling sex scenes, but we also have trust issues which give’s us plenty of conflict between our leads. The plot is well development and mind blowing. I would have liked more world building of the plant Te’re in this book, but it’s ok because we do get a lot of world building of Te’re in Dark Summer Dreams, so it even’s out.

A fantastic fabulous fun read in the Dreamwalkers series. If you enjoy Sci-Fi Romance then I highly suggest you pick this series up. Even if you are not a fan of Sci-Fi this series might just change your mind.
