A review by night_owl
The Inheritors by William Golding


if the point is to make you as confused as his neanderthal and early hominid characters then it successful. narrative is very hard to follow because it is from POV of a character who does not speak our language or perceive the world in the same way a modern person would so descriptions of even simple things like sticks, hair, animals, and characters faces, and virtually all the environment, are often ambiguous and msileading and they don't share our vocabulary in any sense (they speak in 'pictures' and refer to characters in vague descriptors such as 'the new one' or the other one). it really undermines what he sets out to accomplish when you can't figure out simple details like general geography of the setting or how many people are present in a scene or whether they are a the top or bottom of a waterfall. really disappointed with this one, and that is after discounting the many assumptions about neanderthals and early hominid that have been proven false since this was published in 1955