A review by chrisvigilante
Brave Chef Brianna by Sam Sykes


Can't. Just can't.

Brianna having self-doubt and trying to deal with that and grow would be a great story. Especially if it focused on the cooking more.

However, this comic felt wrong. Brianna moves into the monster city, disregards the rules and customs of the monsters there. Serves food to monsters that have sugar in it after being told those monsters don't eat sugar. It felt like giving non-kosher food to someone that ate kosher or giving a Vegetarian a dish with meat and not telling them. The villain is someone who is upset because Brianna disregards the customs essentially and taking away from monster owned businesses.

The monsters are forced into this city as well. The prejudice against them is prevalent in the community. That Brianna who comes from a rich cooking empire just moves in and decides to make a business there because she can. The audacity.