A review by aliciakayreads
The Consequence by Giana Darling


As I said in my review of The Secret, definitely not my favorite from Giana. I really couldn't get over Giselle and Sinclair's treatment of Elena. Having read Elena and Dante's story first and getting her backstory, I just honestly felt no sympathy towards Elle and Sin.

Yes they had a hot and steamy relationship and fit together, but how they went about their affair and how they made it seem like Elena was the villain just didn't sit right with me. And honestly found it pretty shocking that so many people in their lives (including Giselle's family) accepted their affair so easily. Elena really only had their mom on her side and to stand up for her which broke my heart all over again.

I did appreciate getting to see Elena and Dante happy in the end and that Giselle and Elena may be able to reconcile their relationship a bit, but I just still struggled so much connecting to them.

I still do love Giana's writing and am so glad I read this trilogy. I am now even more excited to read the Enslaved duet! After reading the Anti Heroes in Love Duet I was definitely more interested in Cosima's story than I was in Giselle and Sinclair's anyways, mainly due to loving Elena.

So all in all, I can't say I would necessarily recommend this trilogy, but I would 10000% recommend the Anti Heroes in Love Duet and Giana's other works (top of the list, Fallen Men)!