A review by ghostyreader
The Root: A Novel of the Wrath & Athenaeum by Na'amen Gobert Tilahun


Oh man oh man, I wish there were more books already.

First of all, there's a mysterious, complex threat (or network of threats) to not only our world but an alternate universe that is somehow connected--and the threat is partly (but maybe not entirely) magical. Second, there are secret agencies (one of which is part of the government) working against each other around the mysteries of the Angelics (alien-beings) and Blooded (humans-ish, with powers). Third, there's no neat little explanation for *anything*--there are the complex half-explanations that come from not really knowing the full reasons behind how the Blooded came to be, what the things are that are attacking Zebub, or any number of other magical elements. But not so much that it's frustrating, just so that it's real. Fourth, all the main characters are queer, basically--and most of them are POC. And their sexualities and gender identities are acknowledged and referenced and accepted, not ignored or the main focus--Erik and Matthias' relationship is complicated by the fact that they're kind of into each other, but Erik's bf's ghost comes and hangs around them; all of which is made more interesting by the conflicts and fights and alliances they're facing. Lil has a passing interest in people of various genders, but isn't in a place to develop any kind of relationship beyond trusting her sibs' caregivers.

Fifth, the plot! The narrative alternates between universes, coyly following one until you're fully caught up, can't wait to find out what happens next--then switching back to the action you were desperate to know about in the other. I couldn't put it down for the last 150 pages, at least. Lil's and Erik's universes come closer and closer together as it's gradually revealed just how closely tangled together different parts of them are. The cross-over I was expecting to happen at like 2/3 of the way through still hasn't happened by the end of the book--though it's planned. This book is about Erik and Lil coming into their powers and strengths, and coming to understand new things about their worlds. It ends with each facing new challenges with new circumstances, and with Erik poised to enter Lil's world.