A review by jeanstehle
Blank by Zibby Owens


This book checked all the boxes for me! If you identify as a writer [b:Blank|162505506|Blank|Zibby Owens|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1693956328l/162505506._SY75_.jpg|173870723] by [a:Zibby Owens|4103998|Zibby Owens|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1705185224p2/4103998.jpg] is a must. If you aren't a writer, but a book lover, you will find this "peek under the hood" story about writing and the publishing industry just as entertaining as fascinating.

The main character Pippa Jones was memorable. I loved her plucky, self-deprecating, honest, and funny persona and deeply related to her struggles of wrestling with her inner critic who says her ideas for her next book (due in 5 days!) aren't good enough, original enough, or worthy enough to pursue. In this race against-the-clock storytelling framework, Owens created a fresh and clever solution for Pippa which brilliantly provided commentary on the inequities in publishing today.

Also to note, I love how Blank explored the challenges of being a mother when you're also a creative, and the imbalanced expectations placed on mothers versus fathers in our society. The book also highlights the difficulties of staying connected to your closest friends while also balancing a career, family, and the ups and downs of marriage. The supporting cast of characters was distinct, colorful and fresh.

With excellent plotting, fast-paced storytelling, and a surprising yet oh-so-satisfying ending, Blank is a fun and rewarding read!