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A review by nanitiq
Hyperion by Dan Simmons


It does surprise me I never read more than just this book. I gave this 5 stars in college, I am guessing it was because I had never really read books with as complex of characters and gut-wrenching stories and it had an impact on me. Some of the stories were not as exciting this time around, but others had more depth and meaning than what I comprehended 8 years ago. Again I was worried that knowing what happened would ruin my enjoyment and again I have been proven to be incorrect. I think there are a lot of books that I will thoroughly enjoy a second time and most likely get a deeper understanding in doing so.

I switched to 4 stars, I do believe there are stronger stories out of all the pilgrim's tales, but I believe with a second read my average enjoyment is a lot closer between all the stories. The tales I did not like before had more impact than originally, and the ones I really liked stayed near the same or dropped down a bit.

I don't think the sequel will change any of my opinions on this book, but I am excited to finally get an ending to something I read so long ago, even if I didn't think I really needed it all this time.