A review by raven9949
Partners by Gerri Hill


What should you expect in a Gerri Hill book? Well here's a check list:

*One character to be a straight woman.... Or at least flexible in her orientation but with no experience.
*Have one or more character run around without a bra on a regular basis and have no one notice until there is contact.
*Major man hating. If one female is in a hetero relationship, then the man has to be an inconsiderate asshole.
*When the woman in the hetero relationship figures out she doesn't love the man and never has, she doesn't split up then, but drag things out until she's sure her new romance isn't one sided and is good enough for sex, after they have had sex only then will the "I used to be straight" girl will split up.
*In the conclusion of the story, there are still loose ends.

Yeah, I'm not impressed with Gerri Hill's books any more. As an author she doesn't branch out and write a new story but just small variations of the same one. I'm tired of the man hate she seems to always have, at least that she always directs at the male that is part of her conflict. Authors that write like this only add to the stereotyping that lesbians are man haters and I'm certainly tired of it...