A review by assaphmehr
The Outsorcerer's Apprentice by Tom Holt


Every time I read on of Holt's books (often under his KJ Parker pen-name), I end up loving it. Since I was in the mood for light fantasy and he's known for that, I picked this one up from my TBR.

What to Expect

With a deft pen, Holt packs a lot into a fantasy novel - unique world-building, loveable characters, social commentary, humour. The novel starts as a twisty fairytale world, and progresses into the differential economics in fantasy and the real world.

What I liked

Absolutely loved the tone, with pop references and understated humour. Holt shows how fantasy can be, an excellent example of speculative fiction. This is simply a book you can enjoy at whichever way you like, but enjoy it you will.

What to be aware of

This isn't a grand epic, neither does it contain abysmal villains. This is a rather more intimate fantasy story, light on the surface but to deep enough to make you think about the fantasy worlds you read and your relationship to them.

Felix's Review

Felix did find the whole concept of fantasy economies bizarre, though he agrees about the importance of a happy workforce (that from a man coming from a society where slavery is the norm). He missed a bit of the 'big bad wolf' references, but that didn't prevent him from relating to the various characters.


A very enjoyable read, entertaining and not taxing. I found out Holt has other books in that world, which I intend to read soon (they don't seem too interrelated for the reading order to matter).

Enjoying the reviews, but wondering who the heck is that Felix fellow? Glad you asked! He's the protagonist of the Togas, Daggers, and Magic series, an historical-fantasy blend of a paranormal detective on the background of ancient Rome.

[a:Assaph Mehr|14422472|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1596954987p2/14422472.jpg], author of [b:Murder In Absentia|29500700|Murder In Absentia (Felix the Fox, #1)|Assaph Mehr|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1457914061l/29500700._SY75_.jpg|46845657]: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.