A review by beastreader
Secrecy World: Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite by Jake Bernstein


I am aware that money laundering goes on. When I think of this I instantly do think of Panama as the first place followed by the Caribbean next. Yet, I haven't thought to much about "business laundering". There is a huge "secret" network of corporations that manage the purchasing, selling, paperwork, logistics, etc. If you want to chance the IRS not knowing your true financial worth then you might go seeking one of these corporations.

Mr. Bernstein takes readers into the dark underbelly of this and other secret worlds. Mr. Bernstein shows with his research the network that exists in the shadows. The research is well done and thoroughly well written. The only thing is that I liked reading this book but I also don't want to just "read" a book on a subject. What I mean is that I want to experience "ahh ha" moments and not feel like I am just reading a history or research paper. Overall, I still did enjoy reading this book. I did learn a lot.