A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


This review is the first one I'm writing for the whole series, and that's because it's a lot easier to explain why I rated it the way I did.

Now, when I read a book with a dystopian-future thing, I expect there to be a rebellion in it. We got a look at what the Games were all about in Hunger Games, and we looked at how Katniss' choices in the arena influenced the uprisings in the other Districts, and now it's a full scale rebellion. The plot is good, and I like the old characters from the rest of the series (Peeta, Johanna, Finnick, etc), and I like the new characters we're introduced to (Boggs, Cressida, Annie, etc). I have nothing against that.


I was quite enjoying the rebellion, until two things happened that made me hate the ending. One, Finnick dying. And two, Prim dying. I looooooooove Finnick, because he's such a nice guy and aside from Katniss, he's my favourite tribute. (Sorry Johanna, you're my number three). When Suzanne killed him, I screamed in despair, hoping that it wasn't real. But it was:(((

Then I completely missed when Prim died, because she mentions it very subtly, and when my friend told me what happened, I was devastated. I love Prim too, but who doesn't? And that was the reason Katniss always fought so hard in the Games and in the rebellion. It's just awful to think that she's gone.

It was a good book, though. If Suzanne had let Finnick live, I would have given this five stars.