A review by mbenzz
An Argumentation of Historians by Jodi Taylor


When I read the Author's Note at the beginning of this book and saw that Ms. Taylor intended to make Max fall for a contemporary, I was extremely skeptical and convinced I was going to hate it. No way in hell would anyone buy that for even a second, but whatever...let's see what happens.

Well, isn't my face red! It was perfect! So believable and so well done. I loved 1399 St. Mary's, and while I do think the book spends a wee-bit too much time there, it was kind of a nice departure to see Max SO COMPLETELY out of her element...literally.

Now...that being said, I have a few observations about where this series is going/has gone.

Clive Ronan is getting old. Like, rock-hard stale as stale can be, old. There's only so many times Max can be kidnapped by the same man before it loses it's excitement and becomes tedious. The fact that this one man has managed to evade the Time Police and St. Mary's for so long is starting to become unbelievable.

The twist at the end of this story was QUITE a shock, don't get me wrong...not in a million years did I see that one coming, but it's somewhat muted by the feeling of, "Oh, it's Clive...AGAIN. When is that guy gonna just DIE already?!"

Max constantly needing to be rescued is just getting tiresome. I miss the old days of the jumps where crazy shenanigans ensued, and while they almost always got the job done, there was some serious fun and adventure along the way.

Now, though? Things have become heavy and sad. Everywhere you turn there's just sadness and pain. People dying or seriously injured, babies being snatched away, and returned years later, Max and Leon unable to Just. F-ing. TALK to each other, Peterson slipping further and further into depression. Even Markham is struggling to fit into his new role and be comfortable in his skin. I realize they're older and wiser now, but the fun and joy of the job seem to be completely gone. Clive Ronan has managed to overshadow everything.

It's a lot.

There's also some serious plot holes that are either glossed over, never explained, or just flat out ignored. I won't get into them because I don't want to give anything away, but readers are asked to suspend a lot of belief in some places (I realize how ironic that sounds considering this is a series about time travel, but still...)

Overall though, I enjoyed this installment. It definitely has a different vibe to it from the previous books, but I can only take so much more of Clive Ronan. The way this book ended made no sense as Max says she's going to do things HER way when the entire plot of this book was done HER way. It was HER plan!! Persepolis, the crown, luring Clive to St. Mary's...all her idea! And it went HORRIBLY wrong! So I'm not sure what this next story is going to be about, but if the Clive Ronan plot isn't wrapped up in that book, then I think that may be it for me, as that storyline is WELL past its sell-by date.