A review by paulgzareith
Hostile Contact by Nick Snape, Nick Snape


This is an interesting depiction of a hostile & accidental first contact scenario. There is a diverse cast of characters from across the world and a (very) strong focus on military operations at ground level.

The style of narration takes some getting used to, as we get exposed to the evolving storyline from disconnected glimpses from different viewpoints, but about 20% in things begin to flow together.

I loved the concepts of weapon of choice as well the drones with stroboscopic weaponry. Also loved how different characters bring in elements from their own cultures, and aspects like ptsd and trauma were highlighted.

The story feels very realistic, and the constraints faced by the on ground teams are described in great level of detail. At the same time, while there is violence, the descriptions of the same are not vividly gruesome.

For folks who love military settings, realistic action and complex real-world coordination problems, this is a great book.