A review by andydrew2
Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North by Blair Braverman



I couldn't get into this. 
I was expecting a story about a young woman, overcoming many problems until she found herself in the Arctic, becoming a dog sledder, and gaining joy in life. 

This wasn't that. 

It was a meandering story of a young woman that spoke about how a lot of men made rude comments about her body, looked at her boobs, and didn't take her seriously. And she kept going back to them. Not to confront them or stand up to them, but simply to feel if she felt any different. 

I don't know. This was a weird one. I tried to look at it outside a male perspective, but I kept hoping she would say something to them. Or fight back. She did not. 

She also just spoke about people in the terms of nicknames without ever explaining why they were called that. I couldn't get into it and skimmed the last bit.