A review by bookish_mim
The Existence of Bea Pearl by Candice Marley Conner


I received a digital copy of the book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The story starts six months after the disappearance of Bea Pearl’s brother, Jim. For six months there hasn’t been any evidence Jim is still alive that’s why his family holds a funeral and declares him dead. Everyone but Bea Pearl thinks he’s dead. We follow her on her daily life after the funeral and her search for clues on Jim’s whereabouts.

The start of the book is really slow paced. It took me about half the book to get me into it. Sometimes it felt like nothing was happening even though something was indeed happening and we were discovering things related to Jim’s disappearance.

It was hard to connect with the main character. Maybe it was the writing style? It just didn’t get me to interest me for what was happening in the story.

To put it simply, I think this book just wasn’t for me.

Even though I said that, I read the last third of the book in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down.