A review by beckyrendon
Cold Queen by K Webster


It goes without saying that I am a fan of fairytales. I just didn't realize how big my dark streak was until these fairytales...

Cold Queen is a frosty tale of betrayal, lust, and forever. The dying queen, the conquering king, and what happens when the truth is revealed.

I was excited to learn my paranoia was justified. I was both heartbroken and vindicated in my thoughts. My fiery yet cold heart was warmed knowing that everything would work out in the end.

I maybe partial to green eyes and a gorgeous face but even I know rugged beauty isn't everything. Or maybe....a different beauty is needed to sway this queen.

Whichever way you are partial, Cold Queen will keep you entertained in a way it's Disney counterpart never could!

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood