A review by magalis
The Crow by Alison Croggon


Did I enjoy it? Yeah, I suppose I did. I'm getting kind of tired of Alison Croggon's long descriptions of absolutely everything. I found myself skimming a lot more of this book than I did the last two in the series.
Would I read it again? Possibly. I really don't know.
Who would I recommend it to? Fantasy fans, if you like Tamora Pierce, Mercedes Lackey, Tolkein, or other authors along those lines you'll probably like this, it's got a somewhat similar feel to it.
Any other thoughts? Oh man, book three of Pellinor. One more book to go! This one took place at the same time as The Riddle, following Maerad's brother Hem. This was a fairly quick read, same as the first two in the series. Croggon has done some very extensive word-building for this entire series, which is impressive. I liked getting to know Saliman and Hem better, but I didn't really care one way or the other for Zelika as a character. I don't know, this wasn't a terrible book, but I felt like it took a long time for anything to actually happen. It felt like a very long book for what little ended up actually happening. I'm looking forward to Saliman and Hem meeting back up with Cadvan and Maerad in the next book, and seeing how the series wraps up!