A review by trisha_thomas
Darkness, Be My Friend by John Marsden


This series is just amazing

We've watched these poor kids go from the safety of Hell (a little spot in the bush that has kept them safe when they were off camping) - and sacrificed everything to attack and try to disable parts of the invading armies resources.

They finally get out after losing so much (friends, family, sanity) and now...they are going back.

I think Elle losing it and writing about how hard it was is so dead on and I have so much respect for John Marsden to show Elle really struggling. I don't know how anyone could stand up to this.

I also love how much each character in each book is slowly evolving. Parts of life are just becoming common place. Things that are horrifying to even think for us are just ever day life for them. and Elle is flippant while writing about it - which she should be. It's become their life and they are just struggling to be alive and stay alive.

So much happens in this book, so much action, the story progressing, updates of the hostages and growth from each character.

I can't wait to read the next book, but with each book, I know I'm getting closer to finishing this series. I hope for a HEA for them, but I'm sad to end the series too....bitter sweet