A review by bookswtheo
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver


Thank you so much to Scholastic for sending me an early copy of this book!

What a rollercoaster. It's taken me a couple of days to actually process the fact that this book exists and that I've read it. As someone who's been struggling with their identity for a while now, this story and these characters mean the absolute world to me. I've never been so nervous and excited to read a book as I was when I picked this up, even though I knew in my heart it would be great.

This book follows Ben de Backer who is kicked out of the house after coming out to their parents as non-binary. Ben's story is so relatable to someone who's non-binary and I know that this story will not only fill everyone's hearts with love but it will also educate a lot of people on what being non-binary feels like, and how difficult it can be to deal with it.

This book is so authentic and so heartwarming and the fact that it's an own voices book makes everything a thousand times better (you shouldn't be writing a story with a trans mc if you're cis, but that's for another time). Something important about this story, besides the obvious, is the small details that just make your chest warm. The use of the right pronouns by Ben's sister, and how their therapist asks for their pronouns immediately, Thomas avoiding using any pronouns at the school to refer to Ben, the fact that Hannah is willing to make sure Ben is comfortable with doing certain things, and even after Ben comes out to their friends, they apologise for misgendering them.

There was this particular thing that Ben said in the book that I related to SO much. They were talking about not "fitting in" the non-binary community because they didn't look androgynous and didn't even have a gender neutral name. I relate to that so much, cause ever since I came out to my friends I've always felt as if I wasn't "enby enough" simply because I don't fit the typical stereotype. And this book made me realise that it's okay. that whatever I'm feeling, I'm not alone in it. So either you're 100% comfortable with your identity or struggling with it, you should absolutely pick this up.

PSA: i just realised it took me exactly 7 days to read this. This hasn't happened since Simon Vs. came out. So please read this book when it comes out! PLEASE!