A review by bookishlyruby
Arranged by Lexi Blake


Review originally posted at Ruby's Books

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

It's not a secret that I love this series, and I was super excited to find out that the playboy king would get his story told.

The thing that I loved most about this book was how it touched on the delicate subject of male submissives from a cultural point of view. It's true that society believes that men should be the dominant ones, while women should be 100% submissive, at least from a sexual perspective. Seeing Kash try to reconcile his status as king and a sexual sub was really interesting. I also loved how Ian, the ultimate Dom, gave Kash a really great speech about that. Blake really knows how to deliver some really powerful words, and she managed to do just that in this book.

Day was a wonderful heroine and I would have loved to have more scenes with her outside of her relationship with Kash. I would have wanted to see her battle her way through politics and changing the lives of so many women and girls with her ideas.

Kash was an interesting character. It's really great to see he's not just the playboy I thought him to be, he was pushed by circumstances out of his control into that life, as a way to hide from his problems. I don't agree with how he did that, but I get it. I would have wanted to see a more complex scene following a certain really dramatic scene between these two, because I feel like the way it was dealt with wasn't as dramatic as what happened between them, but in the end it all works out.

I totally didn't anticipate who the bad guy of this story was. I had my eye on another character, and I'm very happy that in the end it turned out to be someone else.

All in all a great addition to the world of Masters and Mercenaries, and, as usual, I cannot wait for more!