A review by nean
Possessed by You by J.M. Walker


Evvie starts her new job and doesn’t want her family to know and gets her best friend Kane not to tell them. When Evvie’s confronted by a man and calls him an asshole, Kane tells her she just met the owner Brett.
The chemistry is amazing between Evvie and Brett, although Brett is damaged by things in his past, he realises that Evvie is what he wants and sets about convincing her what they have is real.
Evvie’s over people controlling her in her life particularly her brothers and father, although with Brett it feels more like possession than control and she keeps telling herself she can’t go through the heartbreak her father did.
Evvie and Brett have a lot to overcome, the walls they have and the jealously they both feel towards anyone that goes near the other and their insecurities, and the fact that Evvie thinks he doesn’t trust her are obstacles to their happiness.