A review by kandicez
Swamp Thing: La maldición by Alan Moore, Stephen R. Bissette, Paco Galindo


John Constantine! Did that come across as a squeal, because it was meant to. I love Constantine and he shows up in this volume. Make a girl happy! :D

I could gush about this (really anything Moore touches) for quite a while, but don't need to. The stories inside were amazing. Alec learns just what he is capable of and then does it. Well.

Constantine leads him on a merry chase in search of knowledge about himself and he does get a little, but he also helps people in the chase. People he would not other wise have helped or even been aware of.

The final story features a film crew making a movie on the site of an old slave plantation. Do these places have anything other than horrid histories? I don't think so, but this plantation has an unusually evil story and the souls of those that endured it begin to animate in the film crew and actors. Brilliant!

I wish Moore were still writing Swamp Thing. There are so many stories Moore could tell and ST belongs on the pages of a book because film just would not do him justice.