A review by bookofcinz
Everything Must Go by Camille Pagán


If you are looking for the perfect beach read... but with a little substance, this is it!

In Everything Must Go we meet Laine, one of three sister who feels her life goal of becoming a mother will never happen. Following the death of her beloved dog she realizes that even though she loves her husband of over a decade, he will never be ready to give her a child. Every time she brings up the topic he has an excuse, with the straightest face she tells him and her family they will be getting a divorce. No one believes her because her husbands is the sweetest man ever and he is basically in with the family.

A people pleaser, Laine ends up in New York with her mother who is suffering from dementia and hoarding. Added to this her childhood best friend moved back next door and she can tell this break from her husband will turn out really great or not....

Not gonna lie... I breezed through this book- a lovely read with some substance to go along with it! Go give this one a read!