A review by syntaxx
52 Projects: Random Acts of Everyday Creativity by Jeffrey Yamaguchi


The first 46 pages of this book are baloney and can be skipped entirely: I’m already here, I don’t need to be sold on the premise of your book; it felt very much like preaching to the choir and a reflection of insecurities regarding the material that was to follow. I feel this book would’ve been more impactful. I had it just stuck to being the 52 ideas. This feels like a book that could’ve been a Tumblr. Most of the suggestions are pretty lackluster and a few seem down right unethical (x: record a conversation with your friend without their consent to send them later as a time capsule.) wtf? I would be so upset if a friend did that to me! I do not recommend this book to anyone and I would like the time back that I wasted reading it.