A review by fairymodmother
Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks


This is an award-winning and history-making book of poetry from 1945. It was well outside of my comfort zone, but I still found tons to enjoy.

There were a few poems that completely captured an emotion or a moment which I really loved such as "do not be afraid of no" and "pygmies are pygmies still though percht on Alps."

There were two that also captured the idea of privilege and the request for consideration of an issue without devaluing other issues a la the Black Lives Matter or #metoo movements that resounded with me deeply. It's at once so comforting and enraging to know that none of these issues are new, it's just that my skinfolk are so good at repressing narratives that make them worried that if we share power, we'll be treated like we've treated others for hundreds of years.

Thought-provoking, beautifully worded and evocative. I'm not sure poetry will become a mainstay of my literary diet, but this was a great treat.