A review by ferrisscottr
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days by Neil Gaiman


Not disappointed in the work but disappointed at how much I didn't care for it.

Let me clarify that I am a fanatic for Neil Gaiman as an novelist, as a short story writer, as a narrator, as a YA author, as a speaker BUT I don't care too much for his comic book writing (I know, I know, start throwing rocks now).

I understand just how great he is and what he did for the industry - it's just not my thing. I'm more of a Spiderman or Calvin & Hobbes comic guy.

So I enjoyed it but not a great deal.
If you like his comic book writing then this is a 5 star book and you must get it but if you prefer his other work (Graveyard Book, Wolves in the Walls, American Gods) then you should wait a while because he has a new novel coming out in a few months.