A review by joskypay
Landslide by Kathryn Nolan


I have been sitting here just in a daze trying to gather my thoughts to make a coherent statement about this book. I just absolutely adored it! Typically I read as an escape. I can't do much myself physically so reading takes me out of my life and into someone else's for a while. A little vacation from me. This author writes SO well that I didn't escape in this book, I BECAME Josie. I don't want to give out spoilers, I think its best when you go in cold on a book like this, (really I don't even like reading blurbs, I mean you have to in order to see if a book is for you, but I don't like to) but I went through so much of what Josie went through in my own life. She is stronger and far more amazing than I'll ever be, but I could picture making all the choices she made because I knew where she'd been. How? Because I'd been there, and I'd felt that, even before she could put it into words I was relating to how she felt. I've never had such a deep connection with a character. She'd say something and in my head I'd be like OMG SAME! Because of that feeling, this book took me to a whole different level.

And Gabe! SO many parallels to my hubby! Not the man bun lol but alot of the same feelings and insecurities. When you are trying to forge a relationship with competing stubbornness(es) and insecurities, its hard. Every day used to be a struggle, a compromise. This author captured that struggle beautifully and with such honesty. We all want that happy ever after, but this author was real about it and about having to fight every day sometimes to make it work. This was incredibly emotional for me, and I have a feeling it will stay with me for some time. Thank you for this amazing journey through this deeply thoughtful, sweet and sometimes dirty romance. Its definitely a story you won't want to put down but at the same time you don't want it to end!