A review by liferhi_inspired
Deviation by Heather Hildenbrand


*Warning- This book has a cliffhanger*

While YA is not usually one of my go to genres, I loved the synopsis of the first book Imitation and I couldn't wait to read it. Unfortunately Imitation feel flat for me, but I gave this book a shot with the hopes that Ms. Hildenbrand could do the story some justice in this one. Fortunately, I think that she was able to accomplish it.

As this story begins to unfold, we see Ven transition from a shy and timid character, to a brave and bold one. While the author doesn't really give us any specific event to attribute the change to, it's a change that I enjoyed watching take place. While I really like a lot of the supporting characters from the previous book, this book made me fall in love with Neil and Daniel. Ms. Hildenbrand crafted these two men into fabulous characters, with some wonderful traits.

During the first book, I had a hard time getting into the story and the events as they occurred. In this story however, I was sucked in at the beginning and I didn't want to let go at the end. While this book didn't have as much of a suspense element as the first book had, this one had a several wild twists and turns that you never saw coming. Unfortunately for me, the book ended with a cliffhanger just as I was on the edge of my seat.

I do want to point out one thing about this book that for me wasn't a huge deal, but might be for others. In Imitation, Ven and Linc had a very sweet and innocent relationship; in this book however, things begin to heat up with several more 'make out' scenes and at one point "tingles below her belly". While making out is as far as they go, I want people to be aware that their physical relationship does intensify in this book as compared to the previous one.

*I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*