A review by yyunnoo_
A Heart of Stone by Renate Dorrestein


Yes that's right 5 stars because I was constantly thinking about this book, it was always in the back of my mind. I didn't want to finish it and at the same time I wanted to know what was going to happen because I was so involved with the characters. I didn't really connect with them but I was involved in their story and that's sometimes better for it.

The family dynamic is disturbing yet is so layered that it looks like a normal family for the readers and I think that was the author's point of it. A family can look super normal on the outside yet for the members it can feel dangerous and unsafe behind the 4 walls of a house.

Ellen is a strong yet unstable character that sometimes is really unfair towards other people but since she survived this family trauma you kind of forgive her for it (although it's kind of a hard pill to swallow because you really shouldn't forgive people to much; who do shitty things when they survived horrible stuff). I liked how Billie and Kes where there but not in a weird cringy way like it's sometimes in TV-shows, they were like her consience. I wish her siblings would've gotten more depth but then it would've been a much bigger book (not that I'd mind because I still need some answers!)

The writing style was just so gorgeous, so layered and yet so simple that it just made you wanne keep reading, on and on and on! There's just something mystical about it because it's kind of vague but it makes you think about what's happening and figure stuff out for yourself !

So all in all, I would deffinitly recommend this for sure !!