A review by iamkallia
Front Row at the Trump Show by Jonathan Karl

challenging informative tense fast-paced


I call it the Trump Show because that is the way President Trump sees it. He tracks the ratings and the crowds. He follows the reviews. He slams the critics but craves their approval. And when he can't get their approval, he sets out to prove them wrong by pointing to his adoring fans and showing that he can command the world's attention by changing the story line and time he wants to change it.

This book really opened my eyes to a lot of the things going on behind the scenes that I never realized. I won't pretend that I am the most active news consumer - I heard the big headlines, and I knew that Trump was beyond full of s*&%.

But seeing the first hand interactions that were happening, and how truly childish the former President was... Made me all the more disgusted that I know people who voted for him.