A review by lvd92
You Are Not a Before Picture: How to Finally Make Peace with Your Body, for Good by Alex Light

challenging emotional funny hopeful informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


Such a powerful read, especially when enjoyed by audio (narrated by the author herself). This is the type of book I feel is important for every woman to read to confront internalised society-imposed limitations, and for everyone else to understand how their behaviour may contribute to someone else's suffering and maintaining this toxic environment. 

There may be books out there on this topic which are better researched or contain more information, but I think the author did an outstanding job trying to be fair and honest, covering as much as possible with care, with attention for diverse experiences. Her narrative voice felt empowering and sympethatic to me, open and understanding, putting the blame on the actors who deserve it without dwelling to much on that. Instead, she focused on positive messaging, creating awareness, what we can do for ourselves and others. Really positive is also that she referenced and recommended so many other sources, and both recognised the value of therapy and the privilege of it. It was obvious she cared so much, it was like she was talking to me directly.

Highly highly recommend this read.