A review by lauraelizah
Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy


Apparently, I started this book in early December but other things got in the way and I didn't get into it properly until around Christmas. I can't register my feelings with this book. It started off pretty neutral and okay. By about 2/3 of the way through, I was depicting whether the storyline was going to really go anywhere. BUT, in the last 100 pages-ish, I could not put it down and my emotions were being tossed around in a whirlwind. I had no idea what was happening. One minute I was like YES, then ARGH, then AWW, then OMFG WHAT and now I'm just like wow. This is the best way for me to describe my feelings haha. I loved this book. I had a love-hate relationship with the main character, Alice. I felt sorry for a lot of characters only to get annoyed with them later on. I'm still trying to work out who I liked, and didn't like. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this. I suggest giving it a read!