A review by bookishrnamanda
Never Fall for Your Back-Up Guy by Kate O'Keeffe


Just okay. 2 stars overall, 3 stars to me for finishing. If you need a quick read or palate cleanser after a more serious book then this will do it. It won’t be memorable the next week. The story is set in London and the friend group has a mix of Americans. The usual bit of differences in lingo which last the entire book. Really there should be an unspoken rule as to how many times the word snogging can be used in a story. Cringe. I found myself skimming quite a bit and I didn’t miss a thing by doing so. I definitely did not laugh out loud or have much emotion reading and I love a fun rom-com. The main characters were best friends for 75% of the book and then one kiss in and they were in love. No real build up or anticipation. Lacking in the ROM and the COM.