A review by teeggzz
The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin



Over all this was a decent conclusion to the trilogy but I did have some problems with it.

Firstly can we talk about how easy it was for Mara to kill doctor Kells. It's hard to believe that their were no other researchers there that were helping and she was more or less doing it on her own. Mara killed a lot of people in this book with basically no punishment. Yes some of them did deserve it and you could say that it was self defense but honestly what made her scary was the fact that she WANTED to kill them and felt no remorse. At times I was questioning if I should even be supporting this character considering how disturbing her thoughts were.

I felt like in this book everything was too easy. It was too easy to get out of horizons, it was too easy to find Daniel and it was too easy to get all the information on the experiments. There were a lot of info dumps which left the reader confused and quite frankly nothing was really resolved.

Can we talk about Mara and Noah's deaths? W.T.F? It was a game of ring around the rosy. So Mara died and then she somehow healed herself because she had completed her manifestation. I didn't think this was possible because I was lead to believe Mara could only inflict bad. Then Noah died but I knew he wouldn't be dead because there wasn't enough intensity and emotion from Mara. So then Mara brought Noah back to life but there was a cost because of it. I'm kinda guessing the guy who had the bleeding nose when Mara and Noah walked out of the warehouse was the one who got sacrificed?

*sigh* so many god damn questions. Jude. So it would make sense that Jude was the real one to murder Claire and Rachel as he sucks the life out of people. But at this point is Mara honestly any better than Jude. Trust me Jude did horrible things but it wasn't entirely his fault as his brain was pretty fucked up. But in saying that Mara had killed a lot of people as well so she's practically just as bad.

In the end everything Mara and Noah's ancestors did to aid Noah in saving the world was done in vain. Nothing was achieved and a lot of people suffered for absolutely nothing. I did enjoy Mara's Grandma's chapters because they did help tie the story together and made it easier to understand.
Quite frankly I wanna know what happened to Jamie and if Mara will end up killing Noah. Also my question is, how could the disease be passed down to Joseph? I know it's genetic and all but if it started with Mara's grandma and then skipped her mum and infected Mara wouldn't that mean it would go to Mara's child's child? I don't know maybe I missed something.

Over all it was an enjoyable novel but nothing was really achieved. The best way I could describe it was a glorified and slightly disturbing love story. But the ending was so clever, I see you Michelle Hodkin. I see you. ;)