A review by missbookiverse
Xo Orpheus by Kate Bernheimer


Somebody please remind me to never buy/read another collection edited by Kate Bernheimer even if it hits hard on one of my buzzwords. Apparently, her reading taste and mine are vastly different, as are our ideas of what a myth (or fairy tale, see My Mother She Killed Me...) retelling should be like. I like mine to be magical and epic, set in ancient times, she seems to like hers contemporary and bleak – which is fine, most of the stories in this collection aren't exactly bad, they're just not what I'm looking for when I pick up a collection of myth retellings. The only story in here that makes me consider keeping it on my shelf is Madeline Miller's wonderful [b:Galatea|18162954|Galatea|Madeline Miller|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1375741967l/18162954._SY75_.jpg|25525254], but you can also get it as a single ebook. Also, I think 50 is too high a number for any anthology, it just gets tedious after a while.