A review by mpr2000
Hot Desk by Zara Stoneley


There are so many things that changed with the Covid-19, that returning to the boring routine seems like a dream. Or at least that’s what Alice thought, until the changes start at her work and she sees her favorite space is threatened by here enemy-coworker Jamie.
I think we all missed something during the lockdown; friends, space, freedom… but what Alice have at her desk is her me space. A place where no one could take or move things without her knowledge, because Alice is a really good person, a friend from everyone and the one always says No. And that’s what Alice will have to learn in this story, to share the space but at the same time having the right to say no to anyone without fear of the consequences.
I’ll admit that I struggled a little in the beginning while the story was mixed with some memories from the past, but once I understood the situation the reading was easy. I had another problem, I really hated Alice boyfriend; I think this is the purpose of the author, but also didn’t feel like Alice was seeing the big picture in the end. Because he was a stalker, didn’t respect any of her boundaries and every time she said no, he totally ignored it. When you have to tell you flat mates that a person is not allowed at your house, it’s not something to minimize but to start taking steps to ask for help.
Don’t get me wrong, the story is sweet and uplifting, there’s always a bad character in every book, I simply hated this one too much!