A review by lifeand100books
Unveiled by Courtney Milan


This book was SUPERB!

First - Ash:

- His dedication to his family is amazing. I can definitely understand (in large part to Milan's writing) how this is both a good and bad characteristic of Ash's personality. His love for his brothers is completely endearing.

- The way he treats Margaret from day 1, ah. I love it. He's respectful of her as he tries to figure out what it is that exists between them.


- Her character development is WONDERFUL. The monologue she has towards the end of the novel when she's speaking with her father? Utter perfection. The full spectrum of her development arc becomes apparent with this one scene. You can't help but stand up and cheer at the inner strength that she's developed in herself.

Milan's hooked me as a fan for life with this one novel.