A review by darcerenity
Competence by Gail Carriger


This is not my favorite Gail Carriger, but it was still a solid and entertaining read.

I wish I could have seen more build-up of the relationship between Prim and Tash before everyone started discussing Prim's reluctance to pair off, but I enjoyed seeing Tash and Percy, Rue and Prim discuss the relationship.

The action/adventure portion did seem more easily resolved than in some other books in the series, but I enjoyed the overall story arc. I liked seeing how Prim completely inhabits her role as Purser, and it made the entire venture of the Spotted Custard and its crew seem much more realistic and intentional/organized than it has in some previous installments.

I thought the second romance was sweet and I enjoyed learning a bit more about Formerly Floote.

Percy is now my favorite Custard Protocol character; he was awkwardly adorable and very relatable from start to finish.

I found the resolution of the Spotted Custard's mission quite clever and charming if a bit too quick. And the ending of the novel was sweet and hit me in a personal spot just enough to make me cry, but happily.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the next installment in this series. There's a certain event, a storyline or two, and several characters I really hope are going to make an appearance...