A review by kasfire
Girl of Stone by Norma Hinkens


5/5 Stars

What the heck? How could you leave me hanging like that???

So, in this installment, readers follow the four children of the Expulsion Project as they try to reach their parents. We still do not see many interactions with the AI named Preeminence- but for this story, it still makes sense since they are merely traveling for at least the first half of the novel.

Now, yes, these four characters did not necessarily "grow" throughout this novel. However, their interactions with others and their situations defined them that much more. Plus, I loved all of the other characters that were introduced. And by that, I mean they were so well fleshed out that you could have conflicting feelings about them.

Norma Hinkens's world is still immensely imaginative. She created her own planets rather than simply sticking to the known galaxy. And each one has it's own history, culture, inhabitants, and such. I can't wait for the next book where I can find out more about these worlds and about WHAT IS GOING ON!!

**Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.