A review by kiwikathleen
The Robe of Skulls by Vivian French


This book is so much fun! Right from the beginning, the imaginative leaps and bounds are just hilarious. The witch is deliciously nasty, but also wonderfully vain (after all, as the title of the book tells us, this whole adventure takes place because of the amazing dress she decides she needs to have made); the henchman is a long-suffering and rather dim troll; another couple of nasties are also deliciously so; and the hero and heroine are great characters. Oh yes, not to forget the bats and the Professor and the Ancient Crones.

This book romps along, bringing things we all know already (from older fairy tales) into the plot, and presenting it all in a way that is both funny and scary. Definitely a book to enjoy along with your children or grandchildren.