A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
About That Kiss: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel by Jill Shalvis


This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
*I received a free copy of [title] from [publisher] via . This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *About That Kiss brought out the feels. You know how it is when you pick up a book, and it feels like you're hanging out with your best friends? Living through their struggles and their good times right there with them? Shalvis does that to me. With every book she writes - no matter if there are characters I've already met or if they are completely new to me.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews


About That Kiss has a very slow-burning romance, all the friendships, and a very good mystery. I loved getting to know Joe Malone better, and Kylie was the perfect match for him. With her unconventional profession as a wood worker, she managed to see through his tough exterior and find a heart hidden away.

As always, hanging out with my friends in Heartbreaker Bay was a treat. About That Kiss included all the characters from prior books - even if some were just mentioned in passing. The mystery with Kylie's stolen wood penguin worked really well. And I loved how stubborn Kylie was about being a part of the investigation.

As Joe and Kylie got to know each other better, their chemistry kept building. Kylie didn't want only a part of Joe, though, and when push came to shove, she put herself first. That is a thing we don't see in heroines too often, and it made About That Kiss even better in my opinion.

With both action and sweet moments, the overall story and plot made my toes curl in pleasure. The character development was really well done, and I have two new friends in the Bay area now ;)


Kylie grew up with her grandfather, and learned to work with wood under his care. Making a profession out of it, and being really good at it just made her an even more interesting character. With a strong mind, and a good sense of self worth, I would love to hang out with Kylie one day.

Joe appeared to be a total alpha macho man at first. However, he was not unable to see things from Kylie's perspective, and he learned from his mistakes. While he wanted to protect her, he also understood the importance of her needs and feelings.

Writing style :

About That Kiss is written in third person point of view, but still closely from either Joe's or Kylie's perspective. The many dialogues brought both the characters and the story to life.

Feels :

My feels were all invested in this story. I got my romance, all the hope, a lot of suspense, some sadness, a tad of anger, and also the friendship I enjoy in this series.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

On the best of days, he made her feel things she liked to shove deep, deep down, because going there with him would be like jumping out of a plane - thrilling, exciting... and then certain dismemberment and death.

Kylie, the fashion outcast, was in jeans, a Golden State Warriors sweatshirt, and some residual wood shavings. The fact that she had more clothes to sleep in than to go out in said a lot about her.