A review by sbn42
The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


I literally screamed "This can't end. There has to be another book!" My wife brought me a beverage and I calmed down a bit, then went online to search. My heart stopped as I read Zafon had died only a month ago. I frantically looked to see if there was going to be a conclusion to this story. There is. Unfortunately I have to wait until morning to go get the final volume.

This story has a very gritty feel, from the prison at Montjuic to the shanties along the shore. It takes a bit to unveil the relation between the current story and the previous two volumes. The Franco era of fascism is eerily similar to today's news. People were rounded up and imprisoned on trumped up charges, or on no charges at all. Others could commit great crimes and powerful friends keep them safe from consequences. Throughout, the little Sempere bookstore survives.