A review by shutupnread
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough


Once A Wtich was a book that flowed very fast with a quick pace that seemed to just fly by. Personally, I enjoyed reading about Tamsin's family - the casual banters, the typical family behaviors. I especially enjoyed the time travels when Tamsin and Gabriel meet up with her grandparents and the rest of her family when they were younger. It was an interesting twist but there were some things that seemed really redundant and there were some slip-ups that was just awkward.

The relationship between Tamsin and Gabriel could have been elaborated more. I felt like things were just too shallow between them - it didn't seem like there were some depth there. And it was hinted that something happened between them but it never went into detail which bothered me to no end.

Tamsin was an interactive character. She seemed realistic and relatable. Very determined yet vunerable about things that hit close to home. I liked her immediately and enjoyed reading more about her.

The plot was very entertaining. It kept me at the edge of my seat because I really wanted to see how the relationship between Tamsin and Gabriel ended and how she would be able to solve the problem that she basically brought upon herself.

The ending was extremely cliche and predictable which kind of brought the book down for me. I mean, it was obvious what was going to happen by the time you reach the halfway mark of the book. However, Once A Witch was still a very "interesting" novel that you might enjoy.