A review by sams_fireside
Til Death We Do Part by Bruno Beaches


I was kindly offered Til Death We Do Part as an Advance Reader Copy by the author, Bruno Beaches. Pablo Pinkerton has spent his career in the police force, carrying out a variety of different roles, but his life begins to unravel, as he has to deal with a complaint against him from a former 'client' at work, and there quickly follows the disintegration of a seemingly happy and successful marriage. The story takes place over a few years, and Pablo has a lot to deal with and many decisions to make during this time.

The author carried me through many different emotions throughout his story, there was sadness, anger, frustration (a lot of that), some tears and some laughter, but a lot of the time I was annoyed. I was annoyed at Pablo - often! How he tried to deal with his wife, his conflicts, his friends and his work situation. I wanted to pick him up, shake him by the shoulders and tell him to pull himself together!

I'm not sure I actually liked any of the characters, apart from perhaps Henry who was a good friend to Pablo during the turmoil he was going through. Deliah, Pablo's wife, initially appeared to be a simpering woman who just didn't stand up for herself. As the book developed, however, I think she developed as a person, knowing what was the right thing for her and not settling for less than she could get. Pablo, well Pablo just tried too hard but failed to realise that at any point during the story.

The only thing I disliked about the book was the ending and whilst I appreciate that there is a sequel, for me, it just ended too abruptly. However, this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book and I look forward to reading Pablo's next instalment.

I would recommend Til Death We Do Part to anyone who enjoys a thriller, with perhaps a hint of mystery, and for someone who doesn't mind being left wondering...